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Möchten Sie etwas über praktische und einfache Werkzeuge zu mehr „Inspired Leadership. Thriving Business.“ lernen? Ich versende Tipps und Inspirationen (in Englisch) einmal im Monat und zu besonderen Anlässen. Sie können sich hier anmelden!
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Sie finden Sie Beiträge bis Oktober 2017 hier.
I love to watch the olympic competitions. You might have guessed that my favorite discipline is figure skating and if you had the chance to watch some of the competitions, I’m sure you agree that we were spoiled with great performances. There are even some sports that we only get to see during the Olympics:
Welcome to the first CaroliNews of the year! I hope you had a great start in 2018 and that you are still inspired to achieve your dearest goals of the year. Remember: we still have 11 months to go :-).
Only a few days left before we reach 2018… and the letter of the month is „L“. A few weeks ago, I attended an event with a good friend at Hannover’s town hall where we all watched the live streaming of the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. The mayor was proud to mention that…
November… 11th month of the year… „K“… 11th letter of the alphabet… It’s no big secret: I opted for the word KEY this month. If you look it up in the dictionary, you’ll find many definitions for that word…
While our friends in the Southern hemisphere are enjoying springtime… we had to change our clocks this weekend in Europe to „normal time“, which is kind of a reminder that it is mid-autumn in the Northern hemisphere. And the stormy weather we had during the weekend confirmed it too!