
31 Jan: Can you guess?

„You can say YOU to me“. Some say that it was a former German President who made this offer to the Queen of England when they met… others say it was a German Chancellor who said so to an American President… we don’t really know if it’s true but it would express the intention of creating a certain degree of familiarity :-)…

06 Dez: How do you select what you can believe?

„W“ is the letter of the month. We are coming to the end of the alphabet where the number of words is getting smaller… I chose the W-questions (or the WH-questions) or the open questions! Who, what, why, when, where, whose, which etc…. and I will even include „how“. Even if…

30 Okt: Hymn to a powerful instrument

So she taught me the piano and later on the flute (or the other way around, I can’t recall properly). Whatever… I just didn’t like to play these instruments! I wanted to play my own VOICE!!! Yes, the word of the month!

After a long break of music lessons… I started again with…