
31 Jan: Can you guess?

« You can say YOU to me ». Some say that it was a former German President who made this offer to the Queen of England when they met… others say it was a German Chancellor who said so to an American President… we don’t really know if it’s true but it would express the intention of creating a certain degree of familiarity :-)…

02 Jan: What’s your unknown variable?

…the letter « x » is happy to be the letter of the month. For a mathematician, « x » is the unknown variable. The one that can be solved with an equation, the one that can be the key to a problem.

Whether you like mathematics or not, the « x » is also used in expressions like the « X-factor »;

30 Oct: Hymn to a powerful instrument

So she taught me the piano and later on the flute (or the other way around, I can’t recall properly). Whatever… I just didn’t like to play these instruments! I wanted to play my own VOICE!!! Yes, the word of the month!

After a long break of music lessons… I started again with…

31 Mai: How fast do you rotate?

The letter « Q » this month… I was really tempted to choose « quality » over « quantity » but I like to think outside the box. So, while looking in the dictionary (yes, that big book can inspire me!), I saw the word « quadruple ». It made me think of « quad » (a four-rotation jump in figure skating) and then I switched the language for French, ending finally with the word QUATRE, which is the number 4 (four) in English. Do you still follow me? It doesn’t matter, keep on reading, trust me you’ll be fine.

30 Avr: What’s the best gift you can make today?

Still April… and a word starting with “P”… I admit that I had a long look in the dictionary to find the perfect inspiration. And it doesn’t turn out I will be writing about perfection because I would be under too much pressure ;-)!
PRESENCE is the word that I chose. What comes to your mind when you read that word? Maybe different things, like the radiance of a leader or of an actor on stage, or the fact of being physically in a room, or the fact of having one’s total attention to what’s going on in the moment.

29 Déc: What is your prize?

Only a few days left before we reach 2018… and the letter of the month is « L ». A few weeks ago, I attended an event with a good friend at Hannover’s town hall where we all watched the live streaming of the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. The mayor was proud to mention that…