I can’t believe that we’ve now reached the last letter of the alphabet!
I’ve been giving you lots of differents tools, ideas and impulses to solve problems or to improve specific situations in your life… whether at work or at home. I’m curious: how has the implementation been going? What has helped you most? Where do you still experience difficulties?
…the letter “x” is happy to be the letter of the month. For a mathematician, “x” is the unknown variable. The one that can be solved with an equation, the one that can be the key to a problem.
Whether you like mathematics or not, the “x” is also used in expressions like the “X-factor”;
Only a few days left before we reach 2018… and the letter of the month is “L”. A few weeks ago, I attended an event with a good friend at Hannover’s town hall where we all watched the live streaming of the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. The mayor was proud to mention that…
November… 11th month of the year… “K”… 11th letter of the alphabet… It’s no big secret: I opted for the word KEY this month. If you look it up in the dictionary, you’ll find many definitions for that word…